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About the course

New for 2024, the IET’s Sensors, Actuators, and their Interfaces technical engineering course is a three-half day, live virtual, programme providing engineers and technicians with a better understanding of the physics of sensors and actuators, their operation, the selection of applications, and their interfaces.

Sensors, actuators, and processors quietly shape our technological landscape, and form a fundamental trio in modern technology, serving as the critical components that allow systems to interact with their environment and make intelligent decisions.

From automotive applications where they enhance safety and performance, to healthcare where they monitor vital signs and assist in diagnoses, these components are integral to the operation of countless devices.

They enable the automation of processes, contribute to the advancement of smart homes and cities, and are essential in the development of robotics and artificial intelligence.

However, many engineers and technicians find they do not have the knowledge they need as they are not fully covered during their engineering studies. This course enables delegates to feel empowered with a solid understanding of the what and the how of sensors, actuators and their interfaces.

This course will deal with the basic issues of operation of devices (the “physics”), of selection and applications (the “applications”) and interfacing - the circuits and methods of making the trio work, providing a comprehensive understanding of these technologies, their principles, and their applications in various fields.

The online live virtual course runs from 12:30pm – 5:30pm GMT time, allowing delegates from the UK, Europe, and North America to join and is delivered by a leading expert in the field, Dr Nathan Ida. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask him your questions throughout the interactive sessions.

Who should attend?

  • Engineers, technicians and anyone that deals with sensors, embedded systems and interfacing at all levels of complexity
  • Design and production managers needing to understand what is possible and what is useful in the design process
  • Students, researchers and academics in control, embedded system, industrial design and production, for all engineering disciplines.

Session highlights

  • A solid understanding of sensors/actuator physics to facilitate many aspects of selection and applications
  • Extensive discussions on selection for application with emphasis on performance – accuracy, response, appropriateness for the task
  • Interfacing and an embedded systems approach to implementation of sensing systems
  • Examples from a variety of disciplines and across complexity levels.